As an artistic endeavour, drawing is almost as old as mankind. It became independent art form in northern Italy in 14th century. In this course you will learn about its role in old and modern compositions and the different techniques used to draw correctly. Subjects in this course will be still-life, plaster cast, reproductions, nude and portrait. Using charcoal, pencil, pen and ink you will learn notions of perspective, proportions measurements, line intensity, value, shading and light.

  • Each session 2 hours, 8 weeks, materials included - price $300+tax
  • Each session 2 hours, 4 weeks, materials included - price $190+tax
  • Please call for online classes - +1 (416) 967-5746

  • Mondays 1-3pm
  • Tuesdays 7-9pm
  • Wednesdays 1-3pm, 7-9pm
  • Thursdays 1-3pm, 7-9pm
  • Saturdays 12:30-2:30pm


Oil painting is perhaps the most dominant and popular art medium used in the history of art In this course you will learn about oil paints and mediums. Colours, colour value, colour wheel and how to mix colours. About necessary tools, brushes and pallet knives. You will also learn about aerial perspective, vanishing point and gradation through various exercises working from still life or creating abstract, figurative painting, landscape or still life.

  • Each session 2 hours, 8 weeks, materials included - price $350+tax
  • Each session 2 hours, 4 weeks, materials included - price $235+tax
  • Please call for online classes - +1 (416) 967-5746

  • Mondays 1-3pm
  • Tuesdays 7-9pm
  • Wednesdays 1-3pm, 7-9pm
  • Thursdays 1-3pm, 7-9pm
  • Saturdays 12:30-2:30pm


Acrylic paint is one of the most versatile mediums, and one of the least toxic. It is water-soluble when wet and yet dries into a flexible, water-resistant and durable surface. In this course you will learn about: acrylic paints and mediums colours, colour value, theory and mixing of colours, selection of brushes and other tools to use to create texture. You will also learn about composition and design through still life, portraits, landscapes, abstract design or subject of your choice.

  • Each session 2 hours, 8 weeks, materials included – price For 8 classes 350+tax
  • Each session 2 hours, 4 weeks, materials included - price For 4 classes 235+tax
  • Please call for online classes - +1 (416) 967-5746

  • Mondays 1-3pm
  • Tuesdays 7-9pm
  • Wednesdays 1-3pm, 7-9pm
  • Thursdays 1-3pm, 7-9pm
  • Saturdays 12:30-2:30pm
Adult Acrylic Student Work


It was used especially in France and England by landscape painters. Watercolour is a painting method in which the paints are made of pigments suspended in a water-based solution. In this course you will learn about transparency of watercolor and working in layers. About colour value, theory of colour and mixing of colours, working wet on wet and wet on dry. Importance of paper selection and brushes. Subjects in this course will be still life, landscape, abstract design and floral images.

  • Each session 2 hours, 8 weeks, materials included – price For 8 classes 350+tax
  • Each session 2 hours, 4 weeks, materials included - price For 4 classes 235+tax
  • Please call for online classes - +1 (416) 967-5746

  • Mondays 1-3pm
  • Tuesdays 7-9pm
  • Wednesdays 1-3pm, 7-9pm
  • Thursdays 1-3pm, 7-9pm
  • Saturdays 12:30-2:30pm


Pastel is an art medium in form of a stick. Pastels have been used by artists since Renaissance and gained considerable popularity in the eighteen century.

In this course through various exercises, primarily working with the soft pastels, you will learn about blending and layering colors, using different papers and tools for creating tones and shadows. You will also learn how to protect pastel works to prevent smudging.

  • Each session 2 hours, 8 weeks, materials included – price For 8 classes 350+tax
  • Each session 2 hours, 4 weeks, materials included - price For 4 classes 235+tax
  • Please call for online classes - +1 (416) 967-5746

  • Mondays 1-3pm
  • Tuesdays 7-9pm
  • Wednesdays 1-3pm, 7-9pm
  • Thursdays 1-3pm, 7-9pm
  • Saturdays 12:30-2:30pm


Mixed media is a visual art form in which the artist uses a variety of mediums to create an art piece. Students can combine drawing, painting and collage with a wide range of materials such as image transfer, frottage, watercolor paper, found objects etc.

Students will organize and assemble the project pieces to create a series of mixed media works combining a variety of different surfaces and effects.

  • Each session 2 hours, 8 weeks, materials included- price $350+tax
  • Each session 2 hours, 4 weeks, materials included- price $235+tax
  • Please call for online classes - +1 (416) 967-5746



This program gives your child foundation for drawing skills. Through various exercises like drawing from still life or copying a master they will learn about proportions, use of linear perspective, value of line, gradation and shadow by using different media like pencils, charcoal and pen and ink.

Practising these exercises, they will learn basics of sketching and drawing that will bring to life various compositions from their own imagination.

  • Each session 1.5 hours, 10 weeks, materials included - price $300+tax
  • Each session 1.5 hours, 5 weeks, materials included - price $190+tax
  • Please call for online classes - +1 (416) 967-5746

  • Wednesdays 4:30-6pm
  • Saturdays 11:00-12:30 PM


In this course children will work with both acrylic and oil paint. They will learn about paints and mediums, colours, colour value, color wheel and how to mix colors. Also, about necessary tools, brushes and pallet knives etc.

Through various exercises they will learn about aerial perspective, vanishing point and gradation composition and design. They will create abstract or figurative painting still life. Learn these skills from the masters.

  • Each session 1.5 hours, 10 weeks, materials included - price $300+tax
  • Each session 1.5 hours, 5 weeks, materials included - price $190+tax
  • Please call for online classes - +1 (416) 967-5746

  • Wednesdays 4:30-6pm
  • Saturdays 11:00-12:30 PM


While having fun kids will learn basics techniques of watercolour painting. Through various exercises they will learn about transparency in watercolour and working in layers, how to mix colours and make rich variety of complementary colour combinations and also the importance of right selection of materials for their projects, like papers and brushes.

  • Each session 1.5 hours, 10 weeks, materials included - price $300+tax
  • Each session 1.5 hours, 5 weeks, materials included - price $190+tax
  • Please call for online classes - +1 (416) 967-5746

  • Wednesdays 4:30-6pm
  • Saturdays 11:00-12:30 PM


In this course through various exercises kids will have fun and learn how to draw using pastel colours, about blending and layering and using different papers and tools for creating tones and shadows. They will also learn how to protect pastel works to prevent smudging.

  • Each session 1.5 hours, 10 weeks, materials included - price $300+tax
  • Each session 1.5 hours, 5 weeks, materials included - price $190+tax
  • Please call for online classes - +1 (416) 967-5746

  • Wednesdays 4:30-6pm
  • Saturdays 11:00-12:30 PM